Wednesday, December 26, 2012


It's so funny how sometimes I just don't get it! It takes me a while to grasp certain concepts. You would think that the writing on the wall is clear, but I just don't get it. For that reason, I am so glad that I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He covers me, carries me and reveals to me those things that should be so simple to understand. 

Sooooo what am I talking about?

There I was a successful Army Officer when God turned that upside down. You can read more on that in my book: 

So, I find myself writing and doing other things as God allows. Now, I know I'm sounding really vague at the moment, but I promise you will get this in the end. 

Two weeks ago, I participated in my first blog hop "THE NEXT BIG THING". My instructions were to answer 10 questions, mention the person who got me started and five additional authors with blogs who in turn would do the same. WOW! I found it to be pretty amazing because it was a new adventure. When I was asked, I didn't even have a blog because I was a little afraid. Not sure, I wanted to step up to this "full blown" author journey. I seems pretty intense!!! However, I managed in what is a very busy family oriented month for me. 

After I posted the blog, I reflected upon what I enjoyed most about the experience. I enjoyed posting about fellow authors. Over the last two months, I have read 10 books from other authors. It has been such an enlightening experience. You see, it took me 21 months to write my book and during that time, I didn't read anything other than the Bible or a magazine. Therefore to actually curl up with someone elses work was refreshing. 

With that said, I want to dedicate my Wednesday blogs to other authors. This journey that I am on is "NOT" about me or my ability, it is to glorify God. And one way that I can glorify God is to promote others. Here are 5 books that I have read and thoroughly enjoyed. (I included my review.)

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YOU MUST READ! This book belongs in every woman's purse. Therefore, every man should buy it for His mother, wife, sister and daughter. It is a great reminder of how we must "Let Go and Let God" in EVERY situation. Two sisters, Haven and Harper learn that lesson. Haven seemed to be a late bloomer; therefore, she gave God a deadline for a mate. Just think about all the times we try and bargain with God only to find out He's really in control. I found myself laughing out loud as well as crying. Norma did an excellent job of connecting me with the characters! There were times when I wanted to put my two cents in. The book is that good! You've got to read this book for yourself!!!

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Two young couples competing for a honeymoon? Hmmmm...sounds interesting. When the couple entered the house, I was drawn in with them. I loved the twists and turns that build the suspense. As the story developed, I imagined being there and experiencing the encounters especially with the ghosts. The author did a superb job of provoking my imagination. And just when I was all in, the unimaginable ending came. I suggest this book to anyone looking to add spice to their reading list. This book was short, but well written in that it is an interesting page turner with a strong message.

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Pamela delivered an awesome body of work! Through her storytelling skills she showed the power of God's love even in our darkest hour. Melanie had carried around a secret for years, but even in her shame, God was there with her. Not to mention, He had His angels looking out for her. God's love, a spouse's love, a child's love, a friend's love...just LOVE. This book sent such a strong message of love no matter the circumstances. Just love and God loves you through!

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When we are NOT in the midst of the storm, we have all the answers. However, when the storm comes our way, we sometimes panic because we don't know what to do or we forget what needs to be done. This book is a great resource to have around. Stressed or not, this book outlines very practical coping techniques that often go overlooked when we are faced with difficult situations. I can appreciate Chere's transparent journey. She walks us through her journey while inspiring us to get smart because STRESS is real. Whether we are stressed or know people that are stressed, this book is extremely helpful. My advice is form a group, get your prayer partner, accountability partner or friend and read this book together. It's worth the read and the investment to be prepared before the storm comes. Get the book and be triumphant!

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I read this book to my 3 year old, and we both enjoyed it. I loved the message of hard work, followed by the difference music makes in our lives and lastly minimizing distractions while cooking. All simple messages for kids and great reminders for adults. I WILL PURCHASE THE REST OF THIS SERIES!!!

The message of this blog is simple: Sometimes, we are so caught up in what we are doing that we don't take time to enjoy what God is doing through others. I thank God for revealing to me: No matter what He allows me to do, the mission is BIGGER THAN ME!!!

Lastly, thank you to everyone who loves me, prays for me and supports me. I pray many blessings upon you! Stay encouraged and always remember that the mission is BIGGER THAN YOU.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Do you know what today is?

Greetings and thanks for viewing this blog on my 36th birthday!

Even as I celebrate my birthday today, the enemy has tried to attack me. What ever made me think that this day would be off limits? I debated on whether to post today or not. However, I realized that Satan wanted to mute me once again.

Well, I stand boldly declaring that "I AM THE DAUGHTER OF KING JESUS! I AM ROYALTY!"

Guess what, I feel better already.

By the Year:

You see in 1978, I was in a car accident that could have taken me out (at the age of 2) but my mom shielded me while God shielded us both. Today, We are alive and living for Jesus!

In 1994, I was driving a car that hydroplane and landed about 2 feet from a tree. I walked a way without a scrape.

2003 - I deployed to Turkey when the war first kicked off in Iraq. We were on a port where there were daily bomb threats...but no bomb.

2004 - I suffered a blood clot in my right leg. I laid in the hospital for 11 days on blood thinner. I was told I could have died and that I may never run again. Not to mention, I was told I'd be on pain medication for the rest of my life. I can walk without any assistance. I can RUN! And I do not take pain medication on a daily basis. I AM HEALED!

2012 - Just a couple weeks ago, I slipped and fell on some ice on my front concrete steps. I bruised my whole left side, but I didn't break any limbs. I didn't hit my head. My God caught me!

And on at least two occasions, I've thought about suicide. I sometimes ask myself was I seriously thinking about it or was I just randomly thinking about it? It doesn't crossed my mind.

I share all of these things to make a point...ONLY GOD protected me. I had/have no control over my life. I have placed my self in bad positions, made bad decisions etc, but God's grace kept me.

Let me encourage you with this: GOD is in control! Trust Him with your Everything. It doesn't matter that the enemy wants to choke the life out of you or MUTE you. God gifted you! He paid great attention to your design. He placed purpose inside you. Live to glorify Him no matter what. No matter how your day went, no matter your emotions in the moment...connect to God. He is the source off our strength.

Happy Birthday to Me! And Lord for my life, I give you PRAISE!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012



Last week, Donetta Bennett-Quiones (http://research4usolutions.blogspot.cominvited me to be part of a blog hop called "The Next Big Thing". I'd never done a blog hop before (nor did I have a blog at the time) so I decided to give it a try. The purpose is to help readers discover the next great book or author. It seems like a "Win Win" situation to me. So check out Donetta's blog, her feature may be the next big thing or maybe my book is. Either way, show our blogs and our author friends some love by visiting our blogs and purchasing our books. SMILE! 

So, I will start by sharing about "MY BIG THING"... my book..."There Is A Miracle in 21: God Completes".

    Amazon Page:

What is the title of your book? There Is A Miracle in 21: God Completes!
Where did the idea come from for the book? Well, I set out on a 21 day journey of change. While journeying, I decided to journal the journey in hopes to encourage and inspire others. The journey was a series of seven 21 day journeys over 9 months. 
What genre does your book fall under? Religion: Inspirational
Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition? Kimberly Elise (me) Denzel Washington (my husband)
What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book? This book is INSPIRATIONAL DRAMA that shows anyone’s mess can be turned into a miracle if they trust God to complete.
Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency? My book is self published, but prayerfully my 2013 title (Seasoned for This Season) will be represented by an agency.
How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?The book took 21 months to complete.
What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
I would compare it to any 30/60/90 day devotional because of Chapter 5 which outlines a 21 day devotional. However, the book is quite unique in that it tells my story for God’s glory while including a devotional chapter.
Who or What inspired you to write this book?
This book journey arose from discontentment in my life. The realization that I had become someone I didn’t want to be inspired the writing of this book. I was so unhappy with my situation until it hurt. I once had a pastor that always said, “Hurt people, hurt people”. I didn’t want to hurt others. However, I couldn’t recognize my blessings, and I felt as if I were being cursed. Therefore, during “my woe is me” session in September 2010, I had the epiphany of taking a 21-day journey in hopes of change. I quickly grasped that “Pain pounds out your purpose and propels you to your destiny if you dare to trust God to complete.” God took me from my messy state to my Miracle.
What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest? I have mentioned that it has a devotional chapter. However, the book is humorous and plays on all emotions at one point or another.

That's "MY" Big Thing! However, here are 5 authors that also have stories to encourage and inspire you.



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Blessings! Pass it On!!! Paste this blog to at least 10 of your friends pages. Thanks.

Don't forget to follow me on twitter and buy my book on Amazon.

Monday, December 10, 2012

The Most Powerful Relationship

Often time we experience what we believe to be a relationship, but it is merely fantasy. It is our imaginative picture of what our hearts desire. We pour our all into this fantasy only to find out later on that it was not the genuine relationship that we desired in the first place. How does this happen? I will get back to the how in a minute. But I can tell you this happens often…why? We are thirsty! We were created by God to desire relationship with others. However, our pictures become distorted by not making JESUS our first choice of relationships. That’s how we become distracted, misled or bamboozled.

There was an old song that I recall that went like this…”I found the answer when I learned to pray”. PRAY!
GOD has graced my life with many seasonal relationships. Those relationships hurt because I didn’t understand their purpose. Seasonal relationships are to prepare us for our next work. It is a ministry within a ministry. Seasonal relationships are NOT meant to last a lifetime nor are they intended to sustain us for long periods of time. THEY ARE SEASONAL AND SEASONS CHANGE…PEOPLE CHANGE!


HOW? It’s simple so repeat these words: FATHER, I WANT TO KNOW YOU!!! Then, start having a REAL conversation with GOD. It’s a life changing…life sustaining relationship. It’s the MOST POWERFUL RELATIONSHIP!!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Just Do It!

Ever asked the question, "why me"?

Why Not You?

Do we ask this question because we don't want to be used, we're too good to be used or we just don't feel like being bothered?

To be honest, sometimes I don't feel like being bothered with stuff that I don't feel like being bothered with. Some stuff is just foolishness! And I think why entertain or waste my time with it especially when it is Not my own. Well, sometimes God sticks us in tough places to do tough jobs.

We view it as a curse when we should actually be thankful that God entrusted us with the task. While we sit around complaining and asking questions, we should "Just Do It" believing that God knew what He was doing when He chose us for the task.

Just Do It! Even if the outcome leaves you hurt and feeling like you didn't make a difference at all, you must trust that you acted upon God's lead and not your own.

So let me clarify...Just Do It when God calls you to it. Otherwise, wait for the call.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


One day out of the blue, GOD ministered to me on BOOTLEG!!! GOD says, “Quit watching the bootleg DVD and playing the bootleg CD of your life. Somebody knows where I am headed with this one. Those of us who have watched a bootleg DVD or listened to a bootleg CD know that they are not always the best quality. As GOD was speaking to me, He broke it down in the sense of “we tend to accept anything the enemy gives us and then we replay it over and over as if it was intended for us.”

Somebody is thinking, “Bootleg…bootleg…bootleg, what does she mean? The bootleg version is the illegal…prohibited version. You either got it free from an illegal source, you burned it or recorded it without permission or you got it from some unauthorized vendor at knock off price. WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! Bottom-line, you did not make the full investment to obtain this product. You either wanted prior to its release. You didn’t have the money to pay for it in the first place (which may be an indicator that you didn’t need it in the first place). Or you have that giving friend who wants to share it with you because they are the local illegal distributor. Everything free is not legal nor is it good for you. Look, I’m no one’s judge, but we need to really pray about the stuff we burn (music that is). Are we stealing someone’s work when we burn a CD? And is it ok if it is gospel music? I’m just here to make you think. Many of us are guilty of bootlegging the gospel. Some may disagree with me, but remember I am not pointing fingers. I’m merely pointing out that most CDs and DVDs say do not reprint or redistribute without consent.

Now, that I have gone in depth about bootlegging, let me go back to my point in the first paragraph. GOD holds the Master copy of your life’s DVD or CD. It is free if you accept Him. He wants to give you life and give you an abundant life at that. The devil’s bootleg copy of your life may portray a whole lot of glamour, glitter and gold. Those things are temporal. Remember the enemy is a lie and a cheat so He can’t be trusted. Nonetheless, the Almighty GOD is offering “The Eternal”. When the enemy tells us something, sells us something or gives us something, we gravitate towards it like it’s the real deal. He offers cheap thrills. The devil is a bootleg artist, and he cannot give us things that He doesn’t have. Sure he can make it look like quality, but it is still bootleg. Stop investing in bootleg, in the evil one because He is a thief!!! Sure, the devil flashes the quick fix, easy money and worldly happiness on the bootleg DVD. However, he never shows the pain after the party. We believe the lies of the enemy time and time again just as we convince ourselves that bootleg DVDs and CDs are ok.
Think about this, do we stop and think about the heads at the bottom of the screen in a bootleg DVD or that it came out in another country first, but it was filmed in America? Oh, do we just ignore the slight bounce in the picture because someone wasn’t holding the camera steady. Maybe the music has a barely noticeable 5 second pause in the middle of the song.  Glitches and picture quality get thrown out the window because we got a deal. Let’s not forget it is stealing. In the same regards, we can’t forget that the enemy is a thief. He steals, rerecords and then plays back lies to us. We can’t become complacent with bootleg and not recognize that it is wrong. We have to recognize that the DVD/CD that enemy plays for us is distorted. The enemy is on his job of destroying us. He wants you to watch his version of your life because this allows him to deposit negativity and doubt into your spirit. You see our greed and lack of patience leads us down the tumultuous road of destruction. We are too busy trying to get stuff fast when we should be seeking GOD and investing in Him. Noooooooo, we don’t want to invest in the things of GOD. We have a hard time spending time in GOD’s Word, in praise to him, in prayer to Him so that we may receive His copy of our lives. Instead we settle for low budget, an illegal release or ill advised release…the bootleg. The enemy sells is, we buy it and believe it to be true. Eventually, the bootleg becomes our reality because I don’t know if you realize it, but once you dabble in bootlegging, that person who sold it to you comes back faithfully. I caution you on taking shortcuts in your budget by buying bootleg. I’m saying don’t take shortcuts in your life; it could cost you your soul. Wait on the Master’s copy of your life, it’s worth the wait. WAIT ON GOD!!!