Wednesday, December 5, 2012


One day out of the blue, GOD ministered to me on BOOTLEG!!! GOD says, “Quit watching the bootleg DVD and playing the bootleg CD of your life. Somebody knows where I am headed with this one. Those of us who have watched a bootleg DVD or listened to a bootleg CD know that they are not always the best quality. As GOD was speaking to me, He broke it down in the sense of “we tend to accept anything the enemy gives us and then we replay it over and over as if it was intended for us.”

Somebody is thinking, “Bootleg…bootleg…bootleg, what does she mean? The bootleg version is the illegal…prohibited version. You either got it free from an illegal source, you burned it or recorded it without permission or you got it from some unauthorized vendor at knock off price. WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! Bottom-line, you did not make the full investment to obtain this product. You either wanted prior to its release. You didn’t have the money to pay for it in the first place (which may be an indicator that you didn’t need it in the first place). Or you have that giving friend who wants to share it with you because they are the local illegal distributor. Everything free is not legal nor is it good for you. Look, I’m no one’s judge, but we need to really pray about the stuff we burn (music that is). Are we stealing someone’s work when we burn a CD? And is it ok if it is gospel music? I’m just here to make you think. Many of us are guilty of bootlegging the gospel. Some may disagree with me, but remember I am not pointing fingers. I’m merely pointing out that most CDs and DVDs say do not reprint or redistribute without consent.

Now, that I have gone in depth about bootlegging, let me go back to my point in the first paragraph. GOD holds the Master copy of your life’s DVD or CD. It is free if you accept Him. He wants to give you life and give you an abundant life at that. The devil’s bootleg copy of your life may portray a whole lot of glamour, glitter and gold. Those things are temporal. Remember the enemy is a lie and a cheat so He can’t be trusted. Nonetheless, the Almighty GOD is offering “The Eternal”. When the enemy tells us something, sells us something or gives us something, we gravitate towards it like it’s the real deal. He offers cheap thrills. The devil is a bootleg artist, and he cannot give us things that He doesn’t have. Sure he can make it look like quality, but it is still bootleg. Stop investing in bootleg, in the evil one because He is a thief!!! Sure, the devil flashes the quick fix, easy money and worldly happiness on the bootleg DVD. However, he never shows the pain after the party. We believe the lies of the enemy time and time again just as we convince ourselves that bootleg DVDs and CDs are ok.
Think about this, do we stop and think about the heads at the bottom of the screen in a bootleg DVD or that it came out in another country first, but it was filmed in America? Oh, do we just ignore the slight bounce in the picture because someone wasn’t holding the camera steady. Maybe the music has a barely noticeable 5 second pause in the middle of the song.  Glitches and picture quality get thrown out the window because we got a deal. Let’s not forget it is stealing. In the same regards, we can’t forget that the enemy is a thief. He steals, rerecords and then plays back lies to us. We can’t become complacent with bootleg and not recognize that it is wrong. We have to recognize that the DVD/CD that enemy plays for us is distorted. The enemy is on his job of destroying us. He wants you to watch his version of your life because this allows him to deposit negativity and doubt into your spirit. You see our greed and lack of patience leads us down the tumultuous road of destruction. We are too busy trying to get stuff fast when we should be seeking GOD and investing in Him. Noooooooo, we don’t want to invest in the things of GOD. We have a hard time spending time in GOD’s Word, in praise to him, in prayer to Him so that we may receive His copy of our lives. Instead we settle for low budget, an illegal release or ill advised release…the bootleg. The enemy sells is, we buy it and believe it to be true. Eventually, the bootleg becomes our reality because I don’t know if you realize it, but once you dabble in bootlegging, that person who sold it to you comes back faithfully. I caution you on taking shortcuts in your budget by buying bootleg. I’m saying don’t take shortcuts in your life; it could cost you your soul. Wait on the Master’s copy of your life, it’s worth the wait. WAIT ON GOD!!!

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